Kamis, 03 Juli 2014


Pre-approach sales techniques stress learning as much as possible about your prospects before making the call. Pre-approach helps in making favorable first impressions and in developing effective sales closing presentations. Most techniques involve systematic procedures for gathering information using external sources and personal observation -- procedures analogous to sleuthing. What's often missing in pre-approach advocacy is emphasis on input from prospects themselves, and that is data that could be crucial in closing a sale. To get it requires listening.

Traditional Selling — Closing the Sale

Most sales models follow a linear progression of five to six selling steps: prospecting, pre-approach planning, approach, presentation, objections-rebuttals, and closing the sale. There is an abundance of closing techniques.
Traditional sales models with roots in the 1920s tend to emphasize objections-rebuttals and closing techniques. The end goal in traditional selling is to help the salesperson frame the appropriate rebuttal and "offer" that gets agreement, which gets the sale.
One common acronym for traditional selling is SELL: Show the features; Explain the advantages; Lead into benefits; Let them talk. The salesperson dominates the conversation in the SELL model, with the customer encouraged to express objections in the "Let them talk" phase. The main purpose of that, though, is to help the salesperson frame the appropriate rebuttal that gets the sale.

Pre-Approach In Traditional Selling

Traditional selling techniques do allow for discovering customer needs in the pre-approach phase, and more so in the approach phase, but the emphasis is less customer-oriented than with newer trends in relationship selling. Because the end game in traditional selling is overcoming objections to buying the product, salespeople sometimes view the things a potential customer says as mere "talking points" that are useful in getting the agreement that gets the sale.

The New Selling Dynamic: Relationship Selling

The customer in relationship selling sees the salesperson as a valued member of the company's procurement team, not simply a mere vendor. The relationship salesperson is focused on the customer rather than on the product or service being sold. The traditional sales paradigm centers on what's required to "sell the product." The relationship sales paradigm centers on what's required to help the customer "grow and prosper."

Pre-Approach in Relationship Selling

Although the sequential steps in relationship selling remain essentially the same as in traditional selling, there are subtle, yet profound, differences. Customer-focused relationship selling demands that you place top priority on uncovering customer needs. It is no longer simply an exercise in developing talking points to be incorporated into your closing sales "pitch." They are your raison d'etre for doing the pre-approach/approach phases.

Pre-Approach Steps to Relationship Selling

The distinction between traditional and relationship selling is about how the customer perceives you as a salesperson. Relationship selling is based on building trust. The following are a few guidelines to assist you in becoming a relationship salesperson:
1. Learn as much about your prospect as possible using all the resources at your disposal. 2. Learn as much about your competitors' products or services as you know about your own to be a helpful resource to your customers in making better, more informed decisions. 3. Uncover the customer's purchasing priorities. What's important? 4. Use customer-focused "benefit" language rather than product- or service-focused "features" language. 5. Don't talk; listen and ask probing questions.

SOURCE  : http://smallbusiness.chron.com/pros-cons-preapproach-sales-techniques-45435.html

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